
Showing posts from January, 2014

Moq'ing Successive Calls to a Method - void method exception handling

My last post expanded on a piece of code I found on Phil Haack's blog that extends Moq to allow you to return different values on each successive call to a method - I also improved it to allow you mock up any of the iterations to throw an exception in place of the return value. This is great for methods that actually return values, but what happens when you want to throw optional exceptions when you invoke void methods in Moq? Well, void methods on Moq mocks return ISetup<TMock> instead of ISetup<TMock, TResult>, which means that you can't use the ReturnsInOrder method to handle exceptions. Normally, you would just append a .Throws() to the respective Setup method, but Throws() has no params[] parameter, and no Action based override (as Returns() does), so the only way to apply this kind of rule is with recursive callbacks, which are both cumbersome and hard to read. This is demonstrated below; I'm mocking up a call to an FTP class. The first and third calls